A Billion Views

A nerdy, numbery milestone.

Our small family of channels has passed a billion views on YouTube.


Of course, this depends on how you define the group.

For example, the billion includes Computerphile (videos produced by Sean Riley) and Hello Internet (CGP Grey and I post the podcasts on YouTube).

So like the Voyager probes which seem to “leave the solar system” on a semi-regular basis depending on how “the solar system” is defined, we may pass the billion threshold on multiple occasions!

The most watched channels to date are Numberphile and Periodic Videos.

Sixty Symbols and Deep Sky Videos and Objectivity are among other ongoing projects.

But shout-out to some of the “hibernating” channels that we still have affection for, including Bibledex and Words of the World.

And for the record, we’re obviously using the standard short scale billion (1,000,000,000), not the long-scale (1,000,000,000,000).